Company Layoffs: (Employers) Act Like You Know

Heads up employers!!! When you have employees who do a great job for you day-in and day-out, then your company falls on hard times…it is critical that you support these individuals who have given so much of their lives to you.

You know, like I know, that you hired them and paid them based on a 40-hour workweek, and they consistently put in 60-80+ hours for you. Since they were paid a salary, they didn’t even receive overtime pay!

You also know, like I know, that these employer-rating sites like are rapidly emerging as one of the first places prospective candidates will go to find out about your company culture. And what’s being said about you matters to your future hiring endeavors.

Finally you know, like I know, that providing quality outplacement support is the right thing to do when you have a sudden need to restructure or reduce your workforce. This is especially true for your long-term staff who haven’t looked for a job in 10+ years.

I remember my own fateful day, just like it was yesterday. I was called into a room and essentially told my services were no longer needed. I think I was surprised because I thought I was doing a great job. Nonetheless, suddenly I had no job, and only a glimpse of the confidence I once knew. But there was one silver lining…my company provided me with something called outplacement services and I was told that this outplacement company could help me with finding a new position.

The big-box outplacement services I received was helpful on some level, but lacking in other areas. For example, they provided resume assistance, but not resume development. They offered job search suggestions, but not a job search plan/strategy. They offered a place to make phone calls, but didn’t advise who to call or what to say. And this is why Push Outplacement Services was born. I knew it was time to offer a more comprehensive and practical solution to these shell-shocked and loyal professionals who had just lost their job.

So employers, act like you know and do things differently from here on in. If you are facing layoffs, be sure to secure a quality, people-and-results focused outplacement services provider.


To learn more about outplacement services, and how Push Outplacement Services are different (as well as how you can partner), complete the form to download your free resource, Outplacement: The Ultimate Win-Win, Reputation-Saving, Risk-Avoiding, Employee Benefit

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